
Buy-In Support

Our broad experience with Montessori schools has led us to understand the process and conversations that most schools go through in order to vet and make decisions.

Buy-In Support

Our broad experience with Montessori schools has led us to understand the process and conversations that most schools go through in order to vet and make decisions. We continue to be invited to speak at monthly Montessori school Board meetings to educate Board members on better methods of marketing. We continue to work alongside Montessori marketing committees offering innovative thought leadership and the reshaping of out-dated marketing plans.

In our experience, we know that there are multiple layers of buy-in that is needed to move any school-related agenda forward. To help your efforts in discussing these Montessori marketing services to other school stakeholders, we’ve created materials that can be presented at any Board meeting and/or committee gathering. The contents of these materials have been conceived from our own experience with talking with a number of Montessori stakeholders. It aims at cutting a clearer path of knowledge for those considering to explore the world of digital marketing.

Please contact us and ask about our presentation materials that you can use during your next Board, or committee meeting.

Many Montessori schools still rely heavily on traditional advertising channels, but there’s a more targeted, more measurable, more scalable, more affordable way. And it will perform impressively for your school.